Cultural and educational activity implements the development of museum and educational services and the organization of cognitive leisure for children and adults. The staff of the Excursion Service Department carries out two main directions of museum work with visitors: educational practice and recreation – organization of cognitive leisure.
Sightseeing tours give the visitor a general idea of the museum, its collections, and the exposition as a whole. In the sightseeing tour, the events are described in close-up, giving a general idea of the culture and history of Kazakhstan from the stone age to the present day.
Thematic excursions are dedicated to the disclosure of one topic, which can be held within one exhibition hall, as well as include several halls. The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosts decades and weeks of thematic excursions as part of the celebration of significant dates:
• Thematic excursion to the Cosmonautics Day in the Hall of Independent Kazakhstan;
• Thematic excursion to the Victory Day in the Hall of History of Kazakhstan of the 13th -20th centuries.
• Thematic excursion to the City Day in the Nur-Sultan Hall;
• Thematic excursion to the Constitution Day in the hall of Independent Kazakhstan.
• Thematic excursion to the Independence Day in the halls of the History of Kazakhstan of the 13th-20th centuries, Independent Kazakhstan and "Nur-Sultan".
• Thematic excursion "Equestrian culture"
Theatrical excursions are held within the museum's exposition with the use of theatrical techniques and the use of special costumes.
• Theatrical excursion "Kosh keldin, Nauryz", dedicated to the Nauryz holiday;
• Theatrical tour of the Nur-Sultan Hall dedicated to the Capital Day;
• Theatrical tour of the hall of Ancient Art and Technology of the Great Steppe.
Excursions for people with special educational needs are conducted for children and adults, including foreign visitors. Taking into account all the factors, special routes and excursion texts were developed.
Lessons-excursions involve conducting a lesson for schoolchildren at the exposition, that is, the exhibits in the hall are additional visual material for studying a certain topic in the school curriculum.
Field trips are held within the framework of international, national and city exhibition projects.
The international exhibition project "The Procession of the Golden Man through the World museums " began in 2017. The exhibition introduces the foreign audience to the rich historical and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. The exhibition presented unique archaeological finds from the Saka mounds of Taksai, Taldy-2, Berel, Central and Southern Kazakhstan, Zhetysu.
The Issyk Golden Man is the main exhibit of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was presented in 14 museums around the world as part of an international project. The exhibition was held with great success in Belarus, Russia, Azerbaijan, China, Poland, South Korea, Uzbekistan, Northern Macedonia, Turkey, Malaysia, Greece, India, Bashkortostan.
Visiting exhibitions in the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other organizations are held on the basis of these institutions, presenting the heritage of Kazakhstan to residents and guests of the capital.
The project "Star Guide", dedicated to the International Day of Guides, has been held at the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2015.
The professional holiday of guides is celebrated in all corners of the world, especially in large cities – tourist centers. London guides celebrated their professional holiday for the first time in 1990. The initiative to celebrate this day was put forward by the International Federation of Guide Associations.
The main goal of the project is to enhance the image of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to present the features of the guide's activities.
In 2015, in the first year of the project, instead of guides, Karakat Abildina, Kurmash Makhanov, Kalkaman Sarin, Klara Tolenbayeva, Marzhan Arapbayeva, Dosymzhan Tanatarov, Gulnur Orazymbetova were introduced to the museum's expositions in the museum, in 2016 – Kuandyk Kystykbayev, Altynai Zhorabayeva, Adil Akhmet, Indira Rasylkhan and Shakharizat Seydakhmet.
In 2018, guests of the museum were greeted by Aigul Imanbayeva, Aigul Kosanova, Ardak Balazhanova, Zhenis Iskakova, Dos, Dauren Sergazin and Nurken Oteilov, and in 2019, Leilo Beknazar-Haninga, Tamara Asar, Sundet Baigozhin, Maya Bekbaeva and Dinara Satjan took part in the project organized as part of the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the National Museum.
In 2020, such famous stars as Bagdat Samedinova, Zhasulan Zhursinuly, Mayra Tulepbergen, the Nazar group, Zhumadilov Daniyar conducted an excursion for the guests of the museum.
According to the annual tradition, the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosts the action "Night at the Museum". Residents and guests of the capital have the opportunity to visit the National Museum for free and take part in festive events. Events are held until late at night. Guests are offered various types of excursions: sightseeing, thematic, theatrical, quest excursions.
The main goal of the project is to publish warm words of gratitude, wishes and congratulations of honored guests and official delegations of the Museum. The visits of honored guests are one of the important pages of the Museum's history.
The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with current international practice and established traditions, regulates the holding of key events related to the reception of foreign delegations, state and political figures at the highest level.
The goal of the project is to present the exhibits of the museum, revealing interesting facts, the history of origin, manufacture and significance in the history of Kazakhstan.