List of publications to andidata historical sciences, leading researcher, head of the Research Institute "Khalyk Kazynasy" National Museum of the RK MKS RK Ohar Akan
No. |
Name |
Printed or electronically. |
Publishing house, magazine (title, No., year, pages) |
Number of prints sheets |
FULL NAME. co-authors |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Scientific articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the Scopus(Scopus) database |
1 |
New data on avifauna of the Ustyurt plateau in the Holocene |
baspa |
Doklady biological sciences RF, 2016– 469 (1). – 170-172 p., процентиль – 43. |
0,18 / 0,06 |
Nekrasov A.E., Kosintsev P.A., Samashev Z., Loshakova T.N. |
2 |
Erratum to: New data on avifauna of the Ustyurt plateau in the Holocene |
баспа |
Doklady Biological Sciences, (2016), 469, (122-124), Doklady Biological Sciences, 2016, 470(1), с. 253. процентиль – 43. |
0,18 / 0,06 |
Nekrasov, A.E., Kosintsev, P.A., Samashev, Z., Loshakova, T.V., Bolshakov, V.N. |
Published monographs |
3 |
Kyzyluiyk temple-sanctuary. |
baspa |
- Astana: publishing group of LLP "Archeology", 2011. - 200 p. |
12,5 / 10 |
Samashev Z., Oralbai E., Kiyasbek G. |
4 |
Ancient Türkic cult-memorial complex Shiveet ulaan. |
baspa |
- Astana: FIA Publishing Group in Astana, 2016 .-- 272 p. |
17 / 8 |
Samashev Z., Tseveendorzh D., Ongaruly A., Chotbaev A. |
Articles published in materials of international conferences |
5 |
Research at the Berel burial ground in 2011 |
baspa |
Margulanov Readings - 2011. Materials of the International Archaeological Conference. - Astana, April 20-22, 2011 - pp. 341-345. |
0,31 / 0,16 |
Samashev Z., Chotbaev A., Kiyasbek G., Alzhanov K. |
6 |
Erte temir dauiri turkyndarynyk zherleu krylymdary men yryptaryn zertteu musselelerine |
baspa |
Materials of the international scientific conference "Archeology of Kazakhstan in the era of independence: results and prospects", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of the Institute of Archeology. OH. Margulan. December 12-15, 2011. - Almaty. - T. 2. - 122–127-bb. |
0,37 |
Articles in domestic publications |
7 |
Zhetisudyk khan shatyrlary |
baspa |
Archeological issues of Kazakhstan. - Almaty, 2011. - Issue 3. - 356–363-bb. |
0,68 |
8 |
Preliminary results of the study of the Karkara burial-pminal complex |
baspa |
Proceedings of the Branch of the Institute of Archeology. OH. Margulan in Astana. - Astana, 2012. - Volume I. - P. 49–56. |
0,43 / 0,2 |
Kiyasbek G., Chotbaev A., Kozhakhetov B., Rakhmankulov E., Besetaev B.B., Tolegenov E., Aitkali A. |
1. The list of works is approved only if these works are available.
2. The list is compiled by sections in chronological order of publication of works with continuous numbering:
a) scientific work;
b) copyright certificates, diplomas, patents, licenses, information cards, algorithms, projects;
c) educational and methodical work.
3. The list contains published works for the last 3 academic years. Works submitted to print are not included in the list. Abstracts of reports and speeches, newspaper articles, publications in non-academic journals are not included in this list.
4. Column 2 contains the full name of the work with clarification in brackets of the type of publication: monograph, article, textbook, study guide, educational methodological development and others. If necessary, indicate in which language the work is published.
5. Column 3 indicates the appropriate form of work: printed, electronic.
6. Column 4 specifies the place and time of publication (publisher, number or series of a periodical, year, pages); the characteristics of the collections (interuniversity, thematic, intrauniversity, etc.), place and year of their publication are given; All data are presented in accordance with the rules of bibliographic description of literature.
7. Column 5 indicates the number of printed pages (p.L) Of publications (in fraction: in the numerator - the total volume, and in the denominator - the volume belonging to the author).
8. Column 6 lists the names and initials of the co-authors in the order of their participation in the work. From the composition of large groups of authors, the names of the first five people are given, after which "and others, in total ___ people" are put down.