On September 6, 2019, on the occasion of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a museum lesson "Ata zakym aybynym" was held at the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students of the 7th grade of the capital school-gymnasium №65 were invited to the lesson.
The purpose of the lesson is to deepen the knowledge of schoolchildren about the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about Independence, fostering a conscious attitude to the Main Law of the country, based on respect, reverence and fulfillment of their constitutional rights and obligations, as well as the formation of love for the Motherland, patriotism.
During the lesson, the students were told about the deep roots of the country's Constitution, associated with the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. So, Kasym Khan, who began the path of state stability from the observance of the rules, principles and the codes of laws of Yesim Khan and Zheti Zhangy of Khan Tauke that have come down to us are a reliable cornerstone of our Constitution. In addition, it was noted that the leader of Alashorda Alikhan Bokeikhanov said that that laws are written for the benefit of people, and they protect human rights - the right to life, personal freedom, which are inseparable. Thus, our roots and our origins are preserved in the Constitution, which are relevant to this day and contribute to the observance of law and order.
The knowledge gained during the lesson was used by the schoolchildren when performing various interesting tasks. They watched videos dedicated to state symbols, answered questions, also solved puzzle drawings dedicated to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, found museum exhibits on the topic of the lesson and explained them. Also, schoolchildren participated in a discussion dedicated to their rights and responsibilities.
The museum lesson “Ata zakym aibyn”, dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was conducted by the junior researcher of the Department of Museum Pedagogy and Children's Creativity, coordinator of the “Asemdikke Ushtarlyk” project Amangul Halimbay.